In Behavioral Studies

Along with the 20th century. the true nature of our mind dawned on science. Yet, if only the power elite at the time (1902), became aware that human self-identity is merely a “looking-glass” illusion, primed for “culturally-enforced” coding. Ask yourself, would they have placed your interests over theirs? Much less, after 20th century-science left no doubt, the brain is a fully programmable-logic device, preset to function best as a circuit-node. Yet, stacked with sufficiently massive permanent and random-access memory capacity to make it self-sustainable and adaptable to innumerable, complex and non-deterministic tasks that computers, by design, can never achieve.


In computers, CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. In our human experience, it represents our Limbic System—the Completely Primitive Unconscious. This system drives our most basic survival instincts and emotional responses.

An Operating System in computers coordinates tasks and resources. For us, the Organized Screener—an executive function of the Prefrontal Cortex—performs this role. It helps us filter, prioritize, and manage complex information, guiding our decision-making processes.

I/O (Input/Output)
Just as computers rely on monitors, keyboards, and mice to interact with their environment, we rely on our Sensory Receptors—our eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and skin—to gather data from the world. These sensory inputs allow our “CPU” to process and respond to stimuli, shaping our experiences and actions.


In computers, software consists of coded instructions to perform tasks. For humans, our “software” comprises the experiences and stimuli we absorb from infancy onward. Sounds, colors, flavors, aromas, and textures become the inputs that prime our brain to respond with dopamine—a reward that keeps us seeking more of these stimuli throughout our lives. These are The START Apps, shaping our habits and desires.


Many foods and habits touted for prolonging health may actually be ineffective or harmful over time. Consider the following:

Maintaining brain health depends more on nutrition than any other factor. However, as discussed in Hack the Matrix, it is difficult to change our nutritional fate unless we realize that our senses have been trained from childhood to crave foods with little nutritional value—foods that can, in fact, cause irreversible cellular damage.

Most people view exercise as a way to counteract the effects of poor dietary habits, often leading to the purchase of unnecessary gear. As noted in Huarache Runners and explained by Chris McDougall (Appendix B), the greater the distance between the nerve endings in our feet and the surface we run on, the higher the risk of injury. Our attempts to improve our health through modern conveniences can sometimes do more harm than good.


Linked below are the concepts that provide a long-range perspective on what truly underlies most financial matters.

Interest Rates: The price of uncertainty.

Net Present Value: Uncertainty rules the value of future cash flows.https://symmetric.world/

Information Symmetry: Insight*People/Uncertainty= EXP Wealth Growth.

Understanding these principles can provide a stronger grasp of the forces that truly shaping financial security and growth over time.


Social interactions are dictated by the rules of engagement shaped by our animal brain’s perception of social status. Optimizing our “social network” means identifying and committing to high-status behavioral codes—those that signal strength and confidence—despite personal or environmental constraints. Just as financial growth relies on key principles, so too does social power follow its own subtle yet profound dynamics.

PICTURE: Against a background of neon lights, a lighted-skull turns invisible. Combined from Acrylic Brain by J. Orrico + Times Square by E. Bresciani.

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